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pure-ftpd mini howto

You need access to your M740AV via Telnet to run the pure-ftpd. If you do not know how to manage this, take a look at the Forum (in german!).


Extract the ZIP file to a (empty) folder on one of your network drives or your USB-HDD connectet to your M740AV. Then connect to the box via telnet and change into this folder. Make the files executable.

First, you need to create at least one virtual user. If you're using a firmware created by Lemmi, this is already done. If not:

You need a real user, which is not root. So do a cat /etc/passwd and cat /etc/group at your console. You should see something similar to

sh-2.05# cat /etc/passwd
uucp:x:10:14:Unix-to-Unix CoPy system:/etc/uucp:/bin/ash
ftp:x:500:500:Embedix User,,,:/home/ftp:/bin/sh
nobody:x:501:501:Embedix User,,,:/home/nobody:/bin/sh
test:x:503:503:Embedix User,,,:/home/test:/bin/sh
jrathert:x:504:504:Embedix User,,,:/homes/linux/jrathert:/bin/sh

sh-2.05# cat /etc/group

I choose the user test and the group test, but every other compination with an uid and gid different from 0 (root) will do it.

Now you can create your first virtual user:

./pure-pw useradd usb -u test -g test -d /var/media/USB-HDD -f ./pure.passwd

This command creates the virtual user usb with /var/media/USB-HDD as his home directory and writes this information into the file pure.passwd into the same directory. You'll be asked twice for the password.

But this command onyl created the textfile pure.passwd, it doesn't create the user database needed. Do do this, you need the command

./pure-pw mkdb ./pure.pdb -f ./pure.passwd

This creates the user database pure.pdb from the textfile pure.passwd.

Let's start the server:

./pure-ftpd -f none -S ip.of.m740.av,21 -l puredb:./pure.pdb -B

Please insert the correct IP adress instead of ip.of.m740.av. If you want the server to listen to a port other than 21, feel free ro change it. The option -B starts the server in backgroud.

That's it. Have fun with it ;)

Novells NetDrive

With Novells NetDrive you can mount a ftp server as a local drive and use it with software like Cridical.

(c) Christian Kelinski, Lohkoppel 12, 22179 Hamburg, E-Mail